此模块的文档可以在Module:Lua banner/doc创建
--[=[ 这个模块由[[Template:Lua]]调用 暂无模块调用 /****************************/ 這個模組由[[Template:Lua]]調用 暫無模組調用 ]=]-- local yesno = require('Module:Yesno') local mList = require('Module:List') local mTableTools = require('Module:TableTools') local mMessageBox = require('Module:Message box') local p = {} function p.main(frame) local origArgs = frame:getParent().args local args = {} for k, v in pairs(origArgs) do v = v:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$') if v ~= '' then args[k] = v end end return p._main(frame, args) end function p._main(frame, args) local modules = mTableTools.compressSparseArray(args) local box = p.renderBox(modules) local trackingCategories = p.renderTrackingCategories(args, modules) return box .. trackingCategories end -- if action=edit function p.main2(frame) local origArgs = frame:getParent().args local args = {} for k, v in pairs(origArgs) do v = v:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$') if v ~= '' then args[k] = v end end local modules = mTableTools.compressSparseArray(args) return p.renderBox(modules) end --end function p.renderBox(modules) local boxArgs = {} if #modules < 1 then boxArgs.text = '<strong class="error">错误:没有指定-{zh-hans:模块; zh-hant:模組;}-</strong>' else local moduleLinks = {} for i, module in ipairs(modules) do moduleLinks[i] = string.format('%s', module) moduleLinks[i] = '[[:Module:' .. mw.title.new(moduleLinks[i]).text .. ']]' end local moduleList = mList.makeList('bulleted', moduleLinks) boxArgs.text = '此' .. (mw.title.getCurrentTitle():inNamespaces(828,829) and '-{zh-hans:模块; zh-hant:模組;}-' or '模板') .. '使用[[Wikipedia:Lua|Lua语言]]:\n' .. moduleList end boxArgs.type = 'notice' boxArgs.small = true boxArgs.image = '[[File:Lua-logo-nolabel.svg|30px|alt=|link=]]' return mMessageBox.main('mbox', boxArgs) end function p.renderTrackingCategories(args, modules, titleObj) if yesno(args.nocat) then return '' end local cats = {} -- 错误分类 if #modules < 1 then cats[#cats + 1] = '有错误的Lua模板' end -- Lua templates category titleObj = titleObj or mw.title.getCurrentTitle() local subpageBlacklist = { doc = true, sandbox = true, sandbox2 = true, testcases = true } if titleObj.namespace == 10 and not subpageBlacklist[titleObj.subpageText] then local category = args.category if not category then local categories = { ['Module:String'] = '使用Module:String的模板', --['Module:Math'] = '使用LuaMath的模板', --['Module:BaseConvert'] = '使用LuaBaseConvert的模板', --['Module:Citation'] = '使用LuaCitation的模板' } categories['Module:Citation/CS1'] = categories['Module:Citation'] category = modules[1] and categories[modules[1]] category = category or 'x' end cats[#cats + 1] = category local protLevels = { autoconfirmed = 1, extendedconfirmed = 2, templateeditor = 3, sysop = 4 } local currentProt = titleObj.protectionLevels["edit"][1] if currentProt == nil then currentProt = 0 else currentProt = protLevels[currentProt] end for i, module in ipairs(modules) do if mw.title.new(module).protectionLevels["edit"] then local moduleProt = mw.title.new(module).protectionLevels["edit"][1] if moduleProt == nil then moduleProt = 0 else moduleProt = protLevels[moduleProt] end if moduleProt < currentProt then cats[#cats + 1] = "使用受保护Lua模块的模板" break end end end end for i, cat in ipairs(cats) do cats[i] = string.gsub(string.format('[[Category:%s]]', cat), '%[%[Category:x%]%]', '') end return table.concat(cats) .. '[[Category:Lua模板]]' end return p