local z = {} function getCandidates( frame ) local page = mw.title.new( frame.args.title ):getContent() local matches = {} local black = {} if frame.args.black then for b in mw.text.gsplit( frame.args.black, '|', true ) do black[b] = true end end for m in mw.ustring.gmatch( page, frame.args.pattern ) do if not black[m] and not ( frame.args.blackregex and mw.ustring.match( m, frame.args.blackregex ) ) then table.insert( matches, m ) end end return matches end function z.count( frame ) return #getCandidates( frame ) end function z.list( frame ) local list = getCandidates( frame ) local linkprefix = frame.args.linkprefix for i = 1, #list do if linkprefix then list[i] = '[[:' .. linkprefix .. list[i] .. '|' .. list[i] .. ']]' else list[i] = '[[:' .. list[i] .. ']]' end end if #list > 0 then return table.concat( list, '-' ) else return '暂无' end end return z